
“Free choice is meaningless when we are compelled to adopt the one and only way we know.”

                                                                                                                               -MOSHE FELDENKRAIS


What is Feldenkrais?

The Feldenkrais Method could be thought of as a guide toward more efficient patterns of movement.  In this manner, Feldenkrais can help you improve your strength, speed, agility, coordination and balance, while simultaneously reducing tension and pain.  Because it works with various levels of the nervous system, Feldenkrais can be applied to everything from stroke recovery to competitive running to ballet.

Public workshops, and private lessons…

…all involve slow and gentle movements that reduce chronic tension while awakening areas that have been dormant and relatively unused for years or even decades. Regular attendees can expect gradual and possibly profound improvements in posture, balance, strength, coordination and agility as well as a reduction in tension and/or pain.

Click here to find out about upcoming workshops

Click here to read my blurb on the Method.


SDF Workshop in Hangzhou, China