Related Classes

Try to forget everything you’ve learned as an adult. The things that limit your view of the world, your fears, your prejudices, your preconceptions. Try to rediscover what it is like to be a child with a sense of wonder, and innocence. And don’t forget to laugh. Remember, children are strong, they are resilient, they are designed to survive. When you drop them, they tend to bounce.

                                                                                                                                            -TERRY GILLIAM

Rooted in Bagua, Taichi, and the Feldenkrais Method, the workshops and classes offered through this site take advantage of the mind’s intrinsic and vast ability to learn via sensorimotor exploration. Over the long term, students are likely to not only discover their strength, speed, agility, flexibility, balance and vitality improving in surprising ways, but experience a decrease in parasitic tension, fatigue and discomfort.


Ideal for weekend warriors and professionals alike, these classes teach students how to generate more power while using less effort. Over time, students’ form will change in fundamental ways that suit their individual bodies.


Feldenkrais is an innovative method for improving strength, speed, agility, balance, posture and coordination. It has applications for dance, athletics and martial arts as well as physical and neurological rehabilitation.

Boxing for Parkinson’s

Preliminary research at Indianapolis University’s College of Health Sciences has shown boxing and other forms of exercise to be highly beneficial to those with Parkinson’s.  These classes combine fundamentals of boxing with Feldenkrais.


Bagua is a “sister” martial art to Taichi, known for its coiling movements that are often practiced while walking in a circle. As with Taichi, Bagua emphasizes rooting, stability, speed, evasion and power for uses of throwing as well as striking.


Did you know that Taichi can improve your strength, agility, flexibility, coordination and fluid motion—even if you are already a proficient athlete, dancer or martial artist? Of course, you don’t have to be an athlete, dancer or martial artist to participate.

Private and group classes available in person and via Zoom