About Edward

“It takes a long time of watching the animal before you can say what it is doing; it takes a long time to learn how to watch. This point is raised, deferentially but repeatedly, in encounters with Eskimos. They are uneasy, they manage to say, about the irrevocability of decisions made by people who are not sensually perceptive, not discriminating in these northern landscapes, not enthusiastic about long-term observations.”

                                                                                                                    -BARRY LOPEZ, Arctic Dreams

Edward Yu is a writer, former competitive runner/triathlete, and perennial student of Grandmasters Li Xueyi and Ge Guoliang in the art of Bagua. In addition to studying traditional Chinese martial arts and Feldenkrais (graduating from the Manhattan 1 Training in 2002), he has sampled enough boxing, kickboxing, and judo to know that sometimes it’s better to run for your life. He currently specializes in running, martial arts, strength training, physical rehabilitation, and injury prevention.

Edward has taught in various locales in the US, Europe, and China, and worked with a variety of people including Olympic athletes, professional dancers and martial arts instructors. His publications include:  Slowing Down Faster:  A Sense-able Approach to Movement (North Atlantic, 2020); The Mass Psychology of Fittism:  Fitness, Evolution, and the First Two Laws of Thermodynamics (Undocumented Worker Press, 2015); and The Art of Slowing Down: A Sense-able Approach to Running Faster (Panenthea, 2010).

Like his favorite early 20th Century Polish-German dissident, he feels at home wherever there are clouds and birds and human tears.

Private Lesson

关于Edward Yu 杨绪老师


—BARRY LOPEZ, Arctic Dreams 巴里·洛佩斯,《北极之梦》

Edward 杨绪是一名作家,曾是竞跑/铁人三项运动员,也是八卦艺术大师李学义和戈国良的常年学生。除了学习中国传统武术和费登奎斯(2002年毕业于曼哈顿第一训练),他还尝试了足够多的拳击、自由搏击和柔道,知道有时候逃命更好。他目前擅长跑步、武术、力量训练、身体康复和伤害预防。

Edward Yu é escritor, ex-triatleta, professor de Feldenkrais e professor de Bagua e Taichi, sendo discípulo de longa data dos mestres de Bagua, Li Xueyi e Ge Guoliang.  Para além de estudar artes marciais chinesas e Feldenkrais, fez incursões no boxe, kickboxing e judo. Nas últimas duas décadas, levou os seus ensinamentos a vários locais dos Estados Unidos, Europa e China, trabalhando com uma grande variedade de pessoas, incluindo atletas profissionais, músicos e dançarinos.  As suas publicações incluem: Slowing Down Faster:  A Sense-able Approach to Movement (North Atlantic, 2020); e The Mass Psychology of Fittism:  Fitness, Evolution, and the First Two Laws of Thermodynamics (Undocumented Worker Press, 2015); The Art of Slowing Down:  A Sense-able Approach to Running Faster (Panenthea, 2010).

Tal como a sua dissidente polaca-alemã favorita do início do século XX, Edward sente-se em casa onde quer que haja nuvens, pássaros e lágrimas humanas.

Workshop for musicians (Lisbon, Portugal)