Stinger Missiles, Mercenaries and Neo-Nazis: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

From the US vantage point, what is a “democracy”? In today’s Orwellian vocabulary, it means any country supporting US foreign policy. … The antonym to “democracy” is “terrorist.” That simply means a nation willing to fight to become independent from US neoliberal democracy.

-Michael Hudson, “America Escalates its ‘Democratic’ Oil War in the Near East,” Counterpunch, 6 January 2020

Click here to read my recent article on the situation in Ukraine (published in

2,092,726 Quick and Easy Steps to 6-Pack Abs

Reach your genetic potential in 6 months?
Sleep 2 hours per day and perform better than on 8 hours?
Lose more fat than a marathoner by bingeing?
Indeed, and much more. This is not just another diet and fitness book.


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Reorganizing Cities, Towns and Villages for Conviviality

Reorganizing and redesigning our cities, towns, and villages around the Dutch concept of “Autoluw” could not only make them far more livable, alive, and even communal, but dramatically reduce our dependence on automobiles. (I am borrowing the term “conviviality” from Austrian philosopher, Ivan Illich. For more on the topic, see “Energy and Equity” by Ivan Illich, published in Le Monde in 1973.)

Prologue to The Mass Psychology of Fittism

What Does it Mean to be Fit?

For years I’ve been uncomfortable associating the human body with fitness. Maybe because the marketed image of what a fit person is supposed to look like has little to do with Charles Darwin’s original conception of the word. Maybe because like other marketed images, the ones propagated by the fitness industry so rarely materialize in real life. Maybe because nature kills off those who are “weak” and “unfit” and in doing so, separates the chaff from the wheat, so to speak. Meanwhile, the strong and fit prosper just like on those wildlife shows where indomitable predator devours old, sick, or newborn prey. At least that’s how the popularized version of Darwin’s theory of evolution goes.

A famous failed Austrian artist took the popular idea and ran with it. He almost made it to Stalingrad. He killed some people along the way.

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Having Anxiety Means You’re Human

“I have met countless people of great compassion and sensitivity, people who would describe themselves as “conscious” or “spiritual,” who have battled with CFS, depression, thyroid deficiency, and so on. These are people who have come to a transition point in their lives where they become physically incapable of living the old life in the old world. That is because, in fact, the world presented to us as normal and acceptable is anything but. It is a monstrosity.”

—Charles Eisenstein1

(The following is a short excerpt from my latest book, Slowing Down to Run Faster: A Sense-able Approach to Movement)

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